Wednesday, February 14, 2007

family room completed

Before: notice the lovely faux brick finish on the bottom half of the piano wall!

After: notice the faux brick finish is much less noticeable now that the wall is all one color.


Naomi said...

Char, the house is looking SO good!! You have picked some really nice colors. Hope you are still in it in summer so I can see it in person!!!

Author of Blog: Kendra Israelson said...

Hey Char! Good to see you're blogging again! I've been faithfully checking your other one in hopes that it would have something new... YEA!!!


Natasha said...

Ah, faux brick!! Well, at least it wasn't that dark fake wood paneling I guess. =)

The update looks warm and cozy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Char, Looking good! I have seen it in person and it looks even better. Why the switch in blogs?